Tarryn Brady (B. App Sc OT)
ActivOT Ouyen
Tarryn Brady completed a Bachelor of Applied Science in Occupational Therapy (OT) at the University of South Australia in 2007.
Tarryn’s primary experience has been working with adults in the community (such as those living with cerebral palsy, acquired brain injury, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, Parkinson’s disease, Down syndrome, intellectual disability, dementia, amputation etc), and she has also worked in London in an acute older adult psychiatric ward, and supporting people in the earlier stages of living with dementia.
Tarryn has extensive experience in delivering services such as:
- functional assessments
- equipment prescription (including powered wheelchairs, postural seating and pressure care)
- independent living skills (budgeting, time management, safety)
- minor home modifications
- complex case management
- education and training (including manual handling and dementia)
- facilitating group self-management programs
Since having children of her own, Tarryn has undertaken further education to upskill and provide paediatric therapy services.
Tarryn aspires to enlighten people about what possibilities exist to help them achieve increased independence and engagement in their occupations, strongly believing the mantra “you don’t know what you don’t know”.
In order to be able to maximise supporting as many people as possible, Tarryn also has a keen interest in running small group sessions, training and education.
Tarryn has recently returned to the Mallee after 20 years, and outside of her OT practice, she keeps busy as a mum of 2 small children, and managing her partner’s electrical company. She has particular interests in photography and hiking, and has enjoyed extensive travel around the world.
M: PO Box 75, Ouyen VIC 3490
P: 0456 650 960 | 1800 228 868
F: 08 8344 1559
E: tarryn.brady@activot.com.au