Julie Kenyon
ActivOT Stirling
Julie Kenyon (B App Sc OT) graduated from the University of SA in 2000.
As a graduate occupational therapist, Julie worked in Domiciliary Care, gaining extensive experience in community based client services. She also gained valuable experience in inpatient hospital care, rehabilitation and rural and country services.
Julie worked for a time in palliative care as part of a hospital-based community outreach team and spent many years developing a passion for palliative and end of life care.
In 20 years of practicing as an occupational therapist, Julie has gained significant experience in:
- equipment prescription
- simple and complex home modifications
- activities of daily living assessments
- service plan development
- manual handling techniques
- in-home rehabilitation programs.
Julie Kenyon is a mother to two young girls and she enjoys singing, reading and amateur cake decorating.
PO Box 52 Stirling SA 5152
P: 0448 341 959 | 1800 228 868
F: 08 8344 1559
E: julie@activot.com.au