How Working Women Can Be Truly Flexible in the Workplace

“If you read job ads, you’ll come across claims of flexibility everywhere. Companies proudly boast about their commitment to “work-life balance” and promote their family-friendly policies. But is this newfound flexibility truly meaningful, or is it just a façade?

Sure, it’s a positive step forward to acknowledge that women need flexibility in the workplace. However, mere acknowledgment alone falls short of addressing the real issues at hand.”

Read the full article written by ActivOT Founder Helen Whait, originally published by Lifestyle News, here.

Burnout Is A Huge Problem In Allied Health. Here’s What Needs To Change

“I could’ve written this article a decade ago and it still would have been relevant today. That in itself is a problem. We’ve known about the issue of healthcare burnout and allied health burnout for a long time, and yet little has changed. 

Thirty years ago when I started my career as an occupational therapist, I was excited to work. But ten years into my career, I was exhausted and burnt out, just like everyone else around me. I was struggling to spend quality time with my family and friends and no matter how many extra hours I put in, I could only do so much within the system. Paperwork over patient outcomes, cost-cutting over care, the writing was on the wall and I didn’t like what it said. “


Read the full article, authored by ActivOT Founder, Helen Whait, on AHP Workforce.

Leadership in Allied Health Franchising

“Franchising in healthcare is quite rare, obviously ActivOT was the first one so it’s good to see the model is starting to evolve and develop. The most important thing for leaders in healthcare, in franchising is to ensure that their people have everything they need to succeed.”

ActivOT Founder Helen Whait speaks to Jenny Boymal from The Proven Group to talk about how ActivOT’s innovative franchise model is reshaping the way allied health professionals work. Watch the original interview in full here.

Women are sick of waiting for genuine flexibility, so we’re building it ourselves

“Women want genuine, guilt-free flexibility and we want it now. If that sounds like a rally cry, it’s because it is.

Every day I speak with women who are sick of the token gestures of ‘flexibility’ that come with unspoken expectations of constant availability and extra hours. We want workplaces that truly support our need for balance, without guilt or compromise.

This is more than just a desire for adjusted hours or remote work options. It’s about creating an environment where success is measured by outcomes, not hours spent at work, and where taking time for family or personal health is seen as a fundamental right, not a weakness.”


Hear from ActivOT Founder Helen Whait about how she shattered workplace norms to create a truly flexible workplace in this article, originally published by Women’s Agenda.


Supporting Women in Life and Work

As a woman and a mother, I understand the challenges that come with juggling family, career and everyday life. What I also know to be true, is that it is possible to “have it all”, with the right support. Throughout my journey to achieve professional freedom and satisfaction, I have consistently seen the benefits of providing women with the tools and autonomy to thrive, in all aspects of their lives.

“Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen” – Brene Brown

In 2002, pregnant with my first child, I needed a change. I constantly felt that bureaucracy and red tape were getting in the way of providing my clients with the best outcomes. I realised I needed to be the change I wanted to see in the #alliedhealth system and took the courageous step to begin my own occupational therapy private practice.

The path wasn’t always smooth, but I was convinced I could be doing more. I wanted to provide other therapists with the same freedom and satisfaction I had found for myself. While franchising in allied health was – and still is – practically unheard of, I did just that. In 2012 I founded Australia’s first and only occupational therapy franchise business, ActivOT, which now has over 50 franchisees and is continuously growing throughout Australia.

“Amazing things happen when women help other women” – Kasia Gospos

In my previous workplaces, prior to starting ActivOT, I often felt like the “boys club” was a huge roadblock and that despite the fact that occupational therapy is a largely female-dominated industry, I was constantly fighting against preconceived biases based on my gender. I have proven to myself that I am a strong and innovative trailblazer in my field, and I see it as my responsibility to empower my franchisees and my support staff to back themselves, by providing them with the tools to do so.

I firmly believe that women shouldn’t be labelled based on outdated mindsets. Our time is less valued than men’s, and women-dominated industries often earn less. In an industry where a level of care is involved, our behaviour is unfairly scrutinised that isn’t placed on our male counterparts. Some women also face wild inequity when it comes to domestic responsibilities too. It’s a minefield, but I’ve seen the benefits of cultivating an environment where women are supported – and encouraged-  to “have it all”.

Over the last ten years since founding ActivOT, I have witnessed how flexibility within a traditionally bureaucratic system has helped my franchisees, many of them also mothers, thrive both professionally and personally and become successful business owners. More than that, I have been able to provide them with a community that is supportive, where resources – and values – are shared. As a result, we have #occupationaltherapists who are advocates for their community, along with the capabilities to provide their clients with the best possible care.

“We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails” – Dolly Parton

We’ve seen so much change to the way people work, particularly over the past few years, with flexibility becoming more and more important, particularly to women in the workforce. Mothers returning to work face many struggles, feeling pressured to return to the workforce before they are ready and the cost and availability of childcare at war with one another. An inflexible workplace, only adds to the burden many women carry of the #mentalload of daily admin, schedules and housework.

As a woman and a mother, I have personally faced these challenges and have experienced the burnout that comes from (unsuccessfully) trying to juggle everything. I have also experienced the difference that flexibility makes from my time in #privatepractice, and have wholeheartedly grasped the opportunity to provide real work/life balance to my franchisees and support staff. It is so rewarding to be able to see women pursuing their passions outside of their professional life, to enable mothers to spend more time with their children and foster a culture of support within the ActivOT team.

“Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher” – Oprah Winfrey

Having a strong set of values that guide me is the key to the success and sustainability of ActivOT as a business. I want ActivOT to be the best provider of #occupationaltherapy services in Australia and to do that we need to bring like-minded therapists onto the team. Therapists who put the client at the centre of everything they do and who are passionate about helping people.

Each of my franchisees has their own business, works their own hours and follows their areas of passion within occupational therapy. I see ActivOT less as a franchise and more as a pooling of resources, allowing the OTs to lean into each other’s strengths and providing them with the opportunity to broaden their knowledge. Any business growth is a happy by-product.

How does your workplace support both your personal and professional goals? How can this support be improved? What does flexibility mean for you? You can comment on the original article on LinkedIn.


Women supporting women

“There is a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women.” — Madeleine Albright, 1937-2022

Politics and controversy aside, Madeleine Albright had a remarkable career. She’ll be remembered by this generation for her ‘revolutionary’ declaration that women must support each other – or a special place in hell is reserved just for them.

I’m not sure I agree about that place in hell, but as a woman and a founder I believe that women should lift other women up – in all aspects of life. There’s no denying, though, that we live within a culture which supports the stereotype that women don’t support other women. The ‘cat-fight’ so widely portrayed in fiction is alive and well in real life.

Within the female-led industry I’m a part of I’m offered plenty of opportunities to help and support other women, but it isn’t always reciprocated. There are plenty of ‘mean girls’ and ‘queen bees’ (not to be confused with strong, ambitious women – which we are all for) in Allied Health who are quick to push other women down. In fact, the health industry has the second highest incidence of workplace bullying in Australia.

Why does this culture exist?

If you create more inequality in work arrangements, the temptation to abuse power becomes greater and greater.’ – Michael Quinlan

Bullying in the workplace is rife, with an increasing number of women reporting being bullied – more often by other women. Organisations are built to encourage it. The larger the organisation, the more likely it is to be structured with built-in scarcity of power, influence and opportunity, which in turn leads to women competing against each other for position and recognition.

In other words, women are still struggling with systemic inequality. We’ve had to fight for every ‘right’ and we still have a long way to go. We’re expected to perform work which is below our abilities and we have fewer opportunities for advancement – the pressure is huge. It’s no excuse, but it is a very human thing to fight for resources.

The cost to individual women of ‘queen bee’ culture can be devastating, but the cost to women, collectively, is greater – we’re all familiar with what those costs are.

What happens when we lift each other up – what’s the collective benefit of a ‘sisterhood’. We know what the ‘boys club’ has done for men, but what would happen for us if we joined forces instead of vying for position and power?

The impact that women can have on the world when we work together is far-reaching and more important than ever before. New research shows that women thrive when we have each other’s backs. In fact, a close, trusted circle of female contacts are critical to women in leadership positions. The kind of circle that women can trust to discuss private issues that only affect women.

I see the power of women helping women in action in my own business. ActivOT has more than 45 women practitioners – all strong and successful women. ActivOT practitioners thrive because of our culture of support. When one of us falls down, the others are there to lift them up. It goes further than that – we’re all committed to collaborating with other women in business as well as learning from them. Together, we really are stronger!

How do you feel about supporting other women? Have you experienced support from other women in your work life? What impact has this had on your career? I’d love to hear about the ways other women have made a difference in your work life. You can comment on the original article on LinkedIn.


How do OTs achieve work-life balance?

Helen Whait, ActivOT founder and franchisor, is a dedicated mother of three boys. She wrote this article about how ActivOT has transformed her work-life balance: 

2022 marks fifteen years since I started ActivOT and ten years since I launched the business as a franchise. Back in 2007, with the birth of my third son, I knew I needed to redesign my work life so that I could be the kind of mother I’d always wanted to be.

They say that women are expected to parent like we don’t have a career, and to have careers like we don’t have children. Women know how impossible it is to do this without a support network – and even with an army of helpers we can become overwhelmed and burnt out.

We shouldn’t have to choose between career and family, but as OTs we’re too often expected to compromise one, or the other, or both – putting aside our own needs for the sake of family and clients or employers. We are professionals that care for others, but often we compromise on self-care.

Having worked in traditional OT roles previously, as well as having had experience with employing OTs as a private practitioner, I’m all-too-well-familiar the practical challenges that both employees and private practitioners face – as well as the opportunities for empowerment and a satisfying, balanced life.

With the ActivOT franchise, I set out to create a community of like-minded practitioners that would support each other in their journeys as therapists, parents and people. Support and resources – professional and personal – can be the biggest barriers to long term success for OTs in private practice. The ActivOT business model is designed so that each private practitioner has all of the practical things they need to thrive and succeed – proven business systems – as well as support in the form of coaching and mentoring.

The goal I always kept top of mind has been for ActivOT practitioners to be able to practice their core values alongside the freedom to be there for those crucial times in their families’ lives. Those magical, important moments in their children’s days – for the after school ‘download’, sports, music performances and graduations.

ActivOT practitioners are strongly encouraged to prioritise self-care – not just the kind of ‘time out’ activities like pampering days, but meaningful, satisfying ‘getting needs met’ kind of self-care that truly ‘fills the cup’. That in itself – discovering what self-care means to us – can be a body of work – but an important one!

My sons are almost fully grown now, and I couldn’t be happier that I made the decision to be present for them. There are also more than 40 ActivOT franchises in South Australia and South East Queensland – most of these are owned and operated by women with families. The community that we’ve built supports each other to make balance between work life and family life easier.

Getting here hasn’t been a straight line. There have been major bumps in the road for me personally, including a life-threatening illness that reinforced my need for rest and recovery. The biggest lesson has been to surround myself with the right network of people – professionally and personally – and to ask for help when faced with new challenges. Together, we’re stronger.

I’d love to hear from OT mums about how they’ve found a balance between career and motherhood. What are some of the day to day challenges you face and how do you manage these?

Telehealth to continue for veterans

Helen Whait, ActivOT founder and franchisor, is an active member of the Occupational Therapy Australia Department of Veteran Affairs National Reference Group. She writes this important update for our DVA clients.

“In my role on reference group, I’ve been working hard to ensure veterans and war widows have continued access to the telehealth introduced in 2020 as a temporary Covid-19 measure.

I’m so pleased to announce that from 1st January 2022, telehealth options for the veteran community have been made a permanent addition to the OT schedule.

The reference group experienced a minor blip along the way to this decision; OTs were not able to claim for completing the forms required to access equipment and home modifications for veterans. Fighting strongly, through OTA, was successful in having this issue rectified.

OTs can also claim an OT50 for any telehealth consultation completed from 1st January 2022.

However there is still a larger issue at play. DVA will not allow OTs to provide a telehealth consult for an initial consultation.

In our current Covid world this makes no sense to me! Every 12 months or 12 sessions (whichever comes sooner) we need to get a new referral to provide services to our veterans and/or war widows.

Currently, the way things stand, OTs are required to complete a face to face consultation at the commencement of each referral. There are many scenarios where this causes unnecessary obstacles – including the very likely scenario in which an OT has seen a veteran face to face only a few weeks prior but has subsequently run out of sessions.

By insisting on a “face to face” consultation, we’re potentially placing this vulnerable client group at risk. Many veterans are elderly and many have (multiple) comorbidities. Why insist on a face to face consultation if it increases risk?

My position is that the OT who knows the veteran is best placed to make the call as to the most appropriate method of service delivery to ensure the veteran goals are met, their needs are attended to in a timely manner and the risks are managed.

What do you think? I’d love to hear from you on this issue!”

To offer your feedback on this important issue, please email

Edited with an update regarding initial consultations. The following message came through from Occupational Therapy Australia on 17 February, 2022:

“We are currently working with Services Australia to implement new initial consultation and aids assessment telehealth items. It is anticipated that these will be available to claim within the next two weeks. DVA asks that providers do not claim for initial consultations or aids assessments delivered by telehealth until the new items are available in the system.”

Franchising in Occupational Therapy with ActivOT

I’m pretty thrilled to share that I was recently named a finalist in the 2020-21 Allied Health Leadership & Management Excellence Awards for my work creating Australia’s first occupational therapy (OT) franchise, ActivOT.

It’s wonderful news. But instead of just sharing the news, I’d like to share five nuggets of hard-earned wisdom I’ve learned along the way—I hope you find them helpful.

But first, some background: I’m the founder of ActivOT, Australia’s first—and only—private practice occupational therapy franchise. I’m proud to say I was the first entrepreneur to adopt the franchise model in occupational therapy, and one of very few entrepreneurs using the franchise model in a healthcare related business in Australia.

Why did I start ActivOT?

For a few reasons, but mainly it was my time working as a senior occupational therapist within governmental domiciliary care that left me fiercely determined to push the boundaries of OT service provision.

I saw, first-hand, a system dogged by incidents of misconduct and the poor treatment of the frail, elderly and those with long term care needs. So I blew the whistle, brought the misconduct to light and ultimately decided to build a business aligned with my values.

My vision for ActivOT was to build a business that helps OTs spend less time pushing paper and more time caring for people.

I set out to provide a service that gives clients more stability— to ‘shut the revolving door’ which frustrates clients who are constantly explaining their health to new therapists and which is also heartbreaking for the therapists who never get to see the fruits of their labour.

I sought out an efficient model that not only helps patients but creates opportunities for colleagues in occupational therapy to start their own businesses…the franchise model was exactly what the doctor ordered!

In 2007, ActivOT was born. We now have over 30 franchises across Australia and are always looking for occupational therapists interested in joining our team and starting their own business.

So, with that brief introduction, here are five key lessons from my career so far.

Choose your model and look outside your industry

Before I launched ActivOT, franchising occupational therapy practice was unheard of.

Ultimately, franchising is a win for my business because it’s scalable. It’s a win for the client because they are getting the stability of a highly skilled practitioner workforce (my team of therapists sign up for five years). And it’s a win for occupational therapists who get to see their clients progress and thrive.

My advice? Forget what everyone else is doing and look outside your industry or sector for inspiration. Adapt your business model accordingly.

Don’t let fear paralyse you

In 2018 I committed to leadership coaching with The Edge PR. This gave me the skills to adjust my mindset and overcome anything holding me back – especially fear.

Reframing things in my mind, having the courage to back myself and move through fear has been the biggest game-changer for me—professionally and personally.

Don’t let the fear of risk stop you from achieving your dreams.

Failing to plan is planning to fail

Many businesses struggle due to a lack of planning at all levels. Without planning, the entire team will struggle for direction. A lack of direction means, as their leader, I spend time putting out fires instead of taking purposeful action. Doing business without planning is very much like taking a journey without a map. I’m a big planner.

Get clear on your vision, assemble the right team around you and prioritise like a pro.

At ActivOT, we have regular planning sessions so that the whole team is focussed and our vision and direction is clear.

Help others succeed

I’m not afraid to say I intend to run the best occupational therapy business in Australia.

The way to do that is to engage the best occupational therapists in Australia and to help them succeed. Whether it’s our clients or the occupational therapists that are part of our team, success is all about helping other people.

Many occupational therapists struggle with the business side of their practice. ActivOT gives them the tools and structure to grow their business so they can focus on caring for their clients. Just like it should be.

Boundaries matter

While many believe that boundaries are limiting, I believe that boundaries in life and in business give you more freedom—not less—and that clear values-based boundaries can enhance the quality of your life and business.

In 2015, I had a near-death health scare. It reinforced to me, more than ever, that many of our daily stressors and struggles stem from a lack of clear boundaries.

Decide what your boundaries are and stick to them.

At ActivOT, we consider boundaries to be essential self-care and therefore a fundamental part of practicing occupational therapy. Supporting others requires a 100% commitment to self-care!

That’s it from me. What’s your number one career lesson so far? I’d love to hear from you.

Ps. If you’re an occupational therapist and you’re interested in learning more about what we do, you can get in touch with me via

Helen Whait is an award-winning innovator in occupational therapy service provision. She’s a franchisor, occupational therapist and mentor.